Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Do fat jeans become skinny jeans?

Yes, 11 lbs. and 15.5" do make my fat jeans feel like skinny jeans! LoL

Okay, I'm still in the 11/12's and they are really starting to become baggy, ...but I just can't bring myself to buy a pair of 9/10's yet? I guess I'm waiting on my mind to catch up with my body?

Anyway, I am really glad that Fall is here. I was telling Kenny that I get to feel like I'm having a seasonal transformation, because in the Fall/Winter I tend to wear lots of comfy sweat shirts, ...and I'm hoping by Spring when I shed those big, heavy clothes, that I will be able to reveal my body at my goal weight.

Usually, I'm in such a hurry to loose weight, ...and this time I'm not. And, it makes me feel so good, because I know that this is truly a lifestyle change when my focus is on eating healthy foods and reaching my ideal body weight at a slow and steady pace.

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