Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Success Story: On my Weigh

How Somersize has changed my life for the past 8 years, 4 months and counting ...

I began the Suzanne Somers weight-loss program Somersize on March 05, 2001 with a starting weight of 160 lbs. I followed Level 1 and lost 30 lbs. by June 10, 2001.

I maintained my weight by following Level 1 guidelines with only an occasional Level 2 food choice until the, ....Thanksgiving & Christmas Holidays. With being caught up in the holiday celebrations, I choose to allow myself to switch to Level 2 and beyond. While enjoying myself and indulging in many choices outside of the Somersize program, I managed to gain back 19 lbs.

Beginning in January 2002, I returned to strict Level 1 and by the middle of February I had lost 13 lbs. I was feeling much better and having the motivation of being chosen to be in Suzanne's next book, losing the other 6 lbs. happened within the next couple of weeks.

This road has been a long and meaningful one for me. When I first began Somersizing in March '2001, the weight just fell off (literally) while following the Level 1 guidelines. I thought going on Level 2 was supposed to maintain my weight, so I didn't pay much attention to the scales during this time, I didn't expect a weight gain to occur.

What I didn't realize was, ...I was not correctly following the guidelines for Level 2. The first aspect of Level 2, is moderation. Also important, while eating Level 2 food choices you must not eat unlimited quantities. And, finally, really need to pay attention to your body and listen to the signals when trying to incorporate food choices back in on Level 2. You have cleansed your cells and now your body will accept some imbalances. But, you need to discover what your body will accept and what may be too much and create a weight gain.

I found I was able to shed those extra pounds by just returning to Level 1. Then I discovered "Somersweet," had just been released and I just received my first order in the end of February 2002.

So in March 2002, in celebration of my 1 year Somersizing Anniversay I began making all kinds of legal treats, ...creme brule, chocolate mousse, cheesecakes, smoothies and other yummy treats. I was loving this stuff. I had been using Splenda but found I suffered headaches and nausea on occasion. I did not experience any ill effects with the Somersweet, I ordered more.

I continued using Somersweet to sweeten desserts, sauces, drinks and more. I was adding it to just about anything. Then all of a sudden I noticed that I was gaining weight. I returned to Level 1 and continued my use of the Somersweet and eating my nightly desserts. All of my other food choices were legal Level 1, yet I wasn't losing like before?

I was puzzeled, ...the weight just fell off so effortlessly before, ....why isn't it now? It was so easy the first time and when I gained back the 19 lbs, what is different this time? As I looked back over my food journal I realized, ...although the desserts I had been eating were legal, I was indulging much to often for my body to handle. And, I had been using an awful lot of the Somersweet.

As this seems to be the only thing that has changed in my eating habits, I decided to go on a "Sweet-Free Challenge,"...which meant no sweets what-so-ever. I had to know, ...if this was my problem? It was slow in the begining, but I was able to return to my goal weight of 130 lbs. by June 2002.

Determined this time, I decided I would make better food choices to avoid gaining weight again. One of the great benefits of Somersizing is the end of the "yo-yo dieting." I felt I needed to be more diligent with the program and really make it work for me.

I decided for me it's best to follow the guidelines for Level 1, and on occasion incorporate some Level 2 food choices. Avoiding all forms of refined sugar (I believe whole-heartedly it is bad for us) as well as the "white" starches and the starchy veggies is what works best for me.

I enjoy eating complex carbs and continue to food combine when eating them. I don't like feeling bloated or stuffed and at times nauseated, ...and for me it seems to occur whenever I incorporate something with refined sugar or carbs with proteins, such as a whole slice of pizza or pasta and meat sauce, even rice with my proteins upsets my system.

I don't like that "stuffed" at Thanksgiving Dinner feeling, ...that even just 1-2 slices of pizza gives me. So, instead, ...I continue to eat the toppings, add a salad, ...and I feel terrific as well as very satisfied. Life is Good!

To me the rewards of Somersizing are far greater than just weight loss. I tend to think of the "Health" benefits first and the weight loss second, more of a bonus. As some of you know, my first choice to try Somersizing was because my Mother was experiencing a lot of health problems which I believe are "food" related. I didn't want to go through the same experience, therefore I sought out a solution and in doing so, ...I discovered "Somersize."

I am much more aware of what I eat and how it affects me. I don't prefer to use a scale as my guidelines, ...instead I use my clothes. When they begin to feel tight, I know I've indulged a bit too much. I cut back on my cheats, drink more water, and/or exercise more until I feel comfortable again. It is up to each of us to discover what works for us.

I continued to maintain my weight of 130 lbs. with only small fluctuations until October 2005. I was following the Level 2 guidelines and once again was indulging in the beyond. I was struglling with eating in moderation and with avoiding some really bad food choices. The sugar/carb cravings were getting the best of me, and I was simply giving into them. This became a very difficult month and my struggle continued through November and December. I knew I was gaining weight, however, I knew how to follow the program correctly and was certain that I would get the extra weight back off come January when I returned to Level 1.

Then, unexpectedly in January 2006, my husband Kenny became really sick and I completely was unable to focus on myself or the program and began eating lots of bad food choices. This year proved to be very stressful and emotional and I continued to eat foods for comfort. I was no longer making conscious choices of the foods that I choose to eat, when I would eat, as I also skipped quite a few meals as well. I was back on that emotional roller-coaster, ...simply eating out of control.

He continued to be sick for 2006 and my weight continued to climb. As my clothes began to fit tighter, I finally gave in and bought the next size bigger. I was able to wear these for awhile, but it wasn't long before I found myself no longer fitting into those and had to go yet another size bigger. I was now wearing 11/12's, long gone were my 5/6's and 7/8's. I would look in the mirror, but I just couldn't see myself looking "that" big? And, the times that I thought I did look big, I really didn't care about how I looked, I had no time to worry about me. Kenny was so sick, I was such an emotional wreck on the inside, yet, I felt I had to be strong and comforting to my family and friends on the outside. So, when it came time for me to feel comfort, I continued to turn to food as my friend. However, there's nothing friendly about it. The more refined sugar and simple carbs. I would eat the more I would crave, I couldn't help but feel that I had lost control.

In the Fall of 2006, desperate to find a way to make him well again, Kenny's Doctor offered one last option. After discussing it, we both agreed that this was necessary, he was in too much pain and was not getting any better and we really did not want to opt for surgery at this point. So, Ken began Remicade treatments. He had 3 in the first 6 weeks, then began having them every 8 weeks. He had some reactions in the beginning and it took awhile to see any improvements, but finally we did. It was a long and exhausting road for both of us and as he began improving we started to be able to put some focus on other things.

I had not stepped on a scale for months, so in January 2007, I was surprised by the amount of weight that appeared on the scale. I discovered I had reached 182 lbs. . I had gained 50lbs. in one year. As I reflected, I realized that this was the 2nd time this had happened to me. The first time was in 1999 when I was pregnant with twins and I miscarried one of my babies, ...I was so emotional that my eating spiraled out of control.

As Kenny's health improved, so did my emotional state. I began to feel that I could begin focusing on me again. So, I half-heartedly started back on the Somersize program on January 17, 2007. My birthday is May 17th, so I thought that was a good incentive to try and loose the weight by my birthday. I struggled with the program, well, not the program actually, more with my food choices. It had been so long since I had actually thought about my food choices, that I was still struggling with having to give up certain foods.

I was feeling angry about not being able to eat what everybody else could eat without it affecting me in a negative way. As I said, I was not completely committed to eating healthy, so it was no surprise that the weight loss was very slow going. I was averaging a 2 pound per week loss and was continuing to feel angry and discouraged that I was not loosing more or faster. After the 3rd month, I had lost a total of 10 lbs., so why not celebrate, right?

My celebration turned into quite a few days of eating and drinking some some really bad choices and in less than two weeks I had gained back the 10 lbs. I had lost. I became so discouraged with myself that I resorted back to my old eating habits. I was feeling so frustrated, angry, and sad that I turned to bad food choices for comfort, yet again.

On July 14. 2007, I woke up that morning and thought, ...I'm not going to do this anymore. I don't like the way I feel and looks aren't everything, but I just don't like the way I look! I realized that I do have a choice when it comes to the foods I choose to eat. I knew at this moment that I was ready to make that commitment of better health to myself.

So, once again my journey began. It takes a lot to reach this point and sometimes even when we find ourselves following the right path things can still get in our way. The best way to deal with these challenges is to expect them and then to have a plan to deal with them when they occur, because they will.

I know the Somersize program and I know how to make it work for me. When I compare the foods that I eat while Somersizing or the way they make me feel compared to my unhealthy food choices, there really is no comparison. When I am properly food-combining, I don't feel stuffed, bloated, or experience the discomfort of gas, just simply satisfied.

1 comment:

tips to lose weight said...

Really nice post! I really enjoyed it....Keep it up!:)